Friday, December 4, 2009

Rope (1948)

I have watched this movie many times.In turkish,german,and original english languages.I think this was the 13th time.
This is an excellent work based on play "rope's end".In fact while watching movie you see one place,an apartment,it is like theater stage.

The wonderful scenes are close shots of players.Expressions on the faces are impressive,and it was thought to show them to audience closely and brilliantly.
Sometimes camera loses its direction,you cannot see any player on the scene,you can only see the housemaid come and the same time speech flows.director shows you and points you the "grave" but you cannot save yourself off listening to conversations next to it.

Another scene Rupert comes back,by lying he forgot his cigar box,Brandon first plays with his gun in his pocket,first move and Rupert reveals gun and wins,and next Rupert makes his move,counterattack,brings out rope off his pocket,and "check mate".
it's designed like chess game,plot comes out of a unique intelligence.

Another scene,Philip Morgan bursts out shouting after his secret is revealed.At that moment camera turns back to Ruppert,and you see that gaze and expression on Rupert's face.I donot know how many times they tried to catch this look.And all suspicion begins.

During the movie you can listen to powerful,carefully selected speeches ,supported by gazes,mimics.

Final scene,if you were Rupert,how would you behave when you uncovered a murder? would you call the police? would you seize Brandon and Philip ?
Probably you would not open the window and fire few times.All act calm, accepting the result of chess's an artistic end.

All the time Plot shows up one step further than the players.Plot is very influential.Plot draws back players can hear superior has privilleges to kill inferior discussion and involving nietzche and hitler into this.

I know I have written long but maybe next time I am gonna write longer than this.This kind of movie satisfies my intelligence and forces to think and make empathy.

This is the best movie of Alfred Hitchock's cinema , my favourite one.

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