Saturday, November 6, 2010
Otobus (1976)
1970 yillarda bir sanat eseri olarak gorulmus odullendirilmis.Heralde bugun avrupanin herhangi bir ulkesinde gosterilse gocmenler basin buyuk tepki gosterir ve verilen oduller sorgulanir.Film cok basit bir kurgu ustune kurulmus.mantik sinirlarini zorlayarak izlemeniz gerekir.Yurtdisina giden Turklerin bile bu nasil olur diyebilecegi cinsten abartilar mevcut.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Susuz Yaz (1964)
Heralde Turk sinemasinin ilk yabanci odullu filmi.Metin Erksan hala yasiyor ama kiymeti hicbir baska yonetmen kadar bilinmedi nedense.Devletten bir odul aldi ama medyaya cikmadi hicbir zaman.Dokuz dagin efesi muthis filmlerinden bile hala hatirladigim.Susuz yaz bugun 12 eylul Turk sinemasinin en saglam sosyal icerikli filmlerinden biri.Cogu zaman soylerim keske 12 darbesi oncesi Turkiye de yasasaydim.Edebiyat sinema cok ozgur ve uretkenmis.Susuz yaz in dile getirdigini sikayet ettigi duzen hala 2010 Turkiye sinde yasiyor devam ediyor.Erol Tas in sinemaya baslangici ve kariyeri cok ilginc.Saygi duyulacak bir aktorluk kariyeri oldu.Bilinen en kotu adam.Muthis oynuyor bu filmde.yine kotu adam.Susuz yaz bir donem yasaklanmis.Muhtemel ki cesur mesajlarindan oturu.Siyah beyaz mukemmel bir film.
Gecenlerde Francis Ford Coppala nin dunya sinemasindaki eski filmleri korumak amaciyla calisma yaptigini duymustum.Susuz Yaz in girisinde ayni uyariyi gormek mumkun.Metin Erksan neden film yonetmeyi yapmayi birakti hep merak edecegim.
I am legend by Richard Matheson
It is totally different from the movie.I first listened on bbc7 and then decided to read.Creepy and real vampire story.
The invisible man by Herbert George Wells
Despite its language it is a good read and flowing.It reminds me of the movie hollow man.Especially when the invisible man decides to shake city with the notes saying he will kill everybody one by one if they do not obey him.This is very original idea I never read in a book or watch in a movie before.
very interesting ideas in the book.
An albino college student finds a formula to make himself invisible
He must kill his father to get the rest of the money for the research
He burns down his landlord's house to hide all of his equipment
He hides his research books and notes.
He decides to leave notes to get people to obey his demands otherwise he will kill them.
very interesting ideas in the book.
An albino college student finds a formula to make himself invisible
He must kill his father to get the rest of the money for the research
He burns down his landlord's house to hide all of his equipment
He hides his research books and notes.
He decides to leave notes to get people to obey his demands otherwise he will kill them.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
are you judgmental? Test-1
You are always quick to criticise. Your unsupressable need to dish out advice to others on how they should behave even seems to dictate the way you operate in relationships. You like to think that your purpose in life is to point out other people’s faults. What's more, you’re very good at it; you've got an enviable way of telling people home truths. However, the risk is that your frankness won't be appreciated, and that you'll end up hurting people. It might be interesting to use your flair for analysis to look in to the reasons for your behaviour and to find a way to tone it down. Maybe you need recognition from the people around you, in which case your habit of pointing out people's weaknesses strengthens your own sense of identity. Children do this, too, at the age when they are realising that they are different individuals from their parents, but carrying on into adulthood indicates a lack of self-confidence and a deep need to be loved. Working on your self-esteem would help. Those close to you would discover and learn to appreciate your depth and sensitivity, both of which are sides to your personality that normally stay hidden
Monday, October 11, 2010
6.1 Direcciones / Directions
a - to
a la casa - to the house
al banco - to the bank ( a + le =al)
a la casa - to the house
al banco - to the bank ( a + le =al)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Time Machine by Herbert George Wells
interesting part is that there are two species.If aboveground people are elits and underground people are working class what is it then the fire that makes working class blind? in the book fire makes morlocks blind.
Monday, September 20, 2010
5.1 saber vs conocer
saber ispanyolcada to know anlami verir
conocer ise to have acquintance or to meet manasi verir
no lo conozco
I do not know him
no la conozco
I do not know her
no lo se
I do not know it
conocer ise to have acquintance or to meet manasi verir
no lo conozco
I do not know him
no la conozco
I do not know her
no lo se
I do not know it
Saturday, September 18, 2010
4.1. Duzensiz Fiiller
Ispanyolca birinci tekil sahis -go ekiyle biten cok kullanilan duzensiz fiiller var.
tener- tengo
venir- vengo
decir- digo
hacer- hago
ispanyolcada "v" ve "b" sesi ayni sekilde soylenir. venir ve beber fiillerinde oldugu gibi
tengo que " I have to, I must" anlami verir
tengo que verlo- je doit le voir
tener- tengo
venir- vengo
decir- digo
hacer- hago
ispanyolcada "v" ve "b" sesi ayni sekilde soylenir. venir ve beber fiillerinde oldugu gibi
tengo que " I have to, I must" anlami verir
tengo que verlo- je doit le voir
3.1. Imperatives
-ar ile biten fiiller icin. -a ile bitenler -e takisi aliyor tekil resmi olmayan kisi haric
habla (tekil resmi olmayan)
hable (tekil resmi)
hablen (cogul resmi)
-diger fiiller (-er ve -ir biten).bu fiiler -a takisi aliyor tekil resmi olmayan kisi haric
escribe (tekil resmi olmayan)
escriba (tekil resmi)
escriban (cogul resmi)
come (tekil resmi olmayan)
coma (tekil resmi)
coman (cogul resmi)
habla (tekil resmi olmayan)
hable (tekil resmi)
hablen (cogul resmi)
-diger fiiller (-er ve -ir biten).bu fiiler -a takisi aliyor tekil resmi olmayan kisi haric
escribe (tekil resmi olmayan)
escriba (tekil resmi)
escriban (cogul resmi)
come (tekil resmi olmayan)
coma (tekil resmi)
coman (cogul resmi)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
2.9.3 Simdiki Zaman
Su anda olan olaylari ifade etmek icin yani -ing tense olan ingilizce karsiligi icin
-ar ile biten fiillerde fiil -ando eki alir
comprar fiili compr-ando seklini alir. "lo" fiilden once veya sonra yer alabilir
ella está comprandolo
she's buying it
ella lo está comprando
she's buying it
diger fiiller -iendo eki alir
comer - comiendo
el está comiendolo
he's eating it
el lo está comiendo
he's eating it
-ar ile biten fiillerde fiil -ando eki alir
comprar fiili compr-ando seklini alir. "lo" fiilden once veya sonra yer alabilir
ella está comprandolo
she's buying it
ella lo está comprando
she's buying it
diger fiiller -iendo eki alir
comer - comiendo
el está comiendolo
he's eating it
el lo está comiendo
he's eating it
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
2.9.2 Simdiki Zaman
Simdiki zamanda son heceden onceki hecede vurgu yapildiginda istisnalar ortaya cikabilir
comprender - comprendre(fransizca)
entender - comprendre(fransizca)
Normalde entendo olmasi gerekirken vurgu kuralina burda istisna vardir.sondan bir onceki hecede "e" varsa bu "e" "ie" ye donusur.Genel kuraldir
entiendo- je comprends
comprendo- je comprends
compriendo olmamasinin nedeni istisnadir cunku "pr" ve "n" arasinda bulunur "e" harfi.bundan dolayi "e" harfi "ie" ye donusmez
comprender - comprendre(fransizca)
entender - comprendre(fransizca)
Normalde entendo olmasi gerekirken vurgu kuralina burda istisna vardir.sondan bir onceki hecede "e" varsa bu "e" "ie" ye donusur.Genel kuraldir
entiendo- je comprends
comprendo- je comprends
compriendo olmamasinin nedeni istisnadir cunku "pr" ve "n" arasinda bulunur "e" harfi.bundan dolayi "e" harfi "ie" ye donusmez
2.9.1 Simdiki Zaman
Fiileri kolaylik acisindan -ar ile bitenler ve bitmeyenler diye ikiye ayirabiliriz
-ar ile biten fiil
comprar - acheter(fransizca)
-ar ile bitmeyen fiil
entender - comprendre(fransizca)
-ar ile biten fiil
comprar - acheter(fransizca)
-ar ile bitmeyen fiil
entender - comprendre(fransizca)
2.9. Simdiki Zaman
Ispanyolcada simdiki zaman icin onemli kural fiilde son heceden onceki hecede vurgu yapilmasidir.
Ispanyolcada genis zaman ve simdiki zaman ayni sekilde ifade edilebilir.
lo compro (vurgu burda "comp" hecesi uzerinde)
I buy it ve I am buy it ayni manaya gelir.
no lo compro (vurgu burda "comp" hecesi uzerinde)
¿porqué no lo compra señor (vurgu burda "comp" hecesi uzerinde)
Ispanyolcada genis zaman ve simdiki zaman ayni sekilde ifade edilebilir.
lo compro (vurgu burda "comp" hecesi uzerinde)
I buy it ve I am buy it ayni manaya gelir.
no lo compro (vurgu burda "comp" hecesi uzerinde)
¿porqué no lo compra señor (vurgu burda "comp" hecesi uzerinde)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allen Poe
This dedective story must be grandfather of maigre holmes and marlowe.Nice read but sometimes it is boring.I liked the mystery happening around the tree.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Shining by Stephen King
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
I decided to read after seeing article on guardian website which was suggesting people read audrey's door.I read audrey's door.nice reading but not excellent.In recent months I indulged reading horror books.It is creepy to read them before falling asleep especially late nights.While reading I get moody I check the door whether some shadow is there or not.I like reading this gets me involved in it and make me feel that horror.Perhaps I am a kind of dreamer and exaggerating.Plot tells a story of a married couple who moved to a new apartment which has a creepy history.Rosemary after some time find herself in the middle of a religious group who aim to have a satan's baby.And of course Rosemary is unaware of what is going on around her until one of her friends figures what is really going on and tries to warn her over it.I do not like ending part.I expected a different ending rather than seeing Rosemary ends up with accepting baby as he is.
The Associate by John Grisham
Saturday, August 28, 2010
You, Me and Dupree (2006)
Son Osmanli Yandim Ali (2007)
sadece oyunculuk ve usbes kiyafetle o donemi yansitmadigi gibi yeterli dekorasyon o donemki osmanli sokaklarini etrafini yansitmiyor.zayif bir film
Pandoranin Kutusu 2008
kotu bir film.anlatmak istedigi aile ici gerginlikler catismalar konular ise bunu yapamiyor
cok yuzeysel kaliyor.derin etkileyici konusmalar yok sadece kapali ucbes kelime.filmin gittigi
bir notkada yok.yesim ustaoglu yonetmen olarak ne tur bir farkliligi var anlamis degilim.
cakma nuri ceylan filmleri yapmak istiyorsa bunu da beceremiyor
Monday, June 28, 2010
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Despite Morgan Freeman who is very strong character Ben Affleck is not fitting again.I do not remember him doing a good acting.This story is not from coldwar times where Russia-US figth.There are movies like this that show US-Russia in peace but not in enemy position.This is one of them.
Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
There are many reasons why this movie is not as good as the first one.Few reasons,it is more british,not american,this has got to do with director I guess,I do not have any objection to sharon stone or her age.The main male character does not fit.Story is not strong as much as first movie's.
Audrey's Door by Sarah Langan
I was impressed by the critic on Guardian website and then decided to read.It is not as I expected because it is compared to Shining of Stephen King.I would not compare.It was a quick read but the idea behind the story is nice but storyteller's language is weak.And as expected this is a british author and that's why she tells an indian guy's story.I did not like indian character and his background connected to struggle of immigrants in New York.
I never watched book trailer before.This book has got a trailer.Here it is.
Black Eagle (1988)
Van Damme did not earn his fame yet.Nice story nice movie.Towards the end there are some cliches that spoil movie.Nonetheles nice movie.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Faculty (1998)
Robert Patrick who is known to us from Terminator 2 judgment day in other words Mr T-1000 is a right choice for scifi movies.Nice watch entertaining.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Hart's War (2002)
Very poor Stalag 17 modern movie.Story is not convincing and Bruce Willis is not war type actor at all.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Kalifornia (1993)
I like this movie.This is single movie in which Pitt does good acting.Juliette Lewis is gorgeous.Nice story and interesting.
Insomnia (2002)
Good thriller.For the first time I watch RobbinWilliams a villain.He is acting good but not convincing.Because I did not get used to seeing him a villlain.
Get Carter (2000)
High Crimes (2002)
Nice movie nice plot.It is surprising.We see the same couple Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman that we know them from james patterson's story movies
Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006)
I watched first movie of this sequel.I did not expected a sequel out of first movie.Story is not convincing.Nice action movie though.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Underworld: Evolution (2006)
Kate Beckinsale fits perfectly.Some costumes are exaggerated but it does not disturb your eyes.Nice vampire story.
Six Days Seven Nights (1998)
Entertaining summer comedy.Anne Heche is one of my favourite blondies in Hollywood.With that slim tender blondish look she is sexy.And Ross from friends tv series act well.
Die Hard (1988)
First movie of the sequel.Sequel was shot after a long time one after another.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
One of my favourite movies.I watched several times .I can't say which one is better than other,raiders of the lost ark or the temple of doom.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Signs (2002)
The Last Shot (2004)
This is a black comedy and it is entertaining.There is a scene where Emily French pees into the glass in the middle of a high class restaurant.It is priceless :)
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Apollo 13 (1995)
If you know the story ,what is told in the movie, it takes most of the joy out of movie.There is not surprise for you left.This movie can not surprise you
Extreme Measures(1996)
Gene Hackman is great actor.Problem is that I do not remember him playing a good character.He is always a villain character in the movies.It is like a tag sticked to him and he never can get rid of it :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Daredevil (2003)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Contractor (2007) (V)
Average movie,full of cliches.Snipe is in priest disguise who is actually an assassin contractor.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
When compared to other jurassic park movies this is the weakest one.Plot is weak and also cast team.This is not a movie that Julienne Moore should act in.
I, Robot (2004)
Nice scifi movie. If director had not exaggerated movie actions of will smith it would have been better movie.Strong plot with nicely designed robots.
Creep (2004/I)
When a woman nods off in the subway after party,she awakes and finds herself locked and alone in the subway.Then she realizes she is not alone
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Breakdown (1997/I)
Rising Sun (1993)
This movie is not like others you are used to watch.It is based on a book story,I did not read it though.Plot is interesting,unique and japanese culture connections make it more interesting.Wesley Snipes choice is wrong,a black man does not fit this movie because story is rare and putting a black dedective distracts my attention.
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