Monday, September 19, 2011


The imperfect ( l'imparfait) expresses or describes
continued, repeated, habitual actions
incomplete actions, situations,
events in the past

The imperfect describes what was going on at an indefinite time in the past or what used to happen.

The imperfect can be translated by “would” when it implies “used to.”

the imperfect is very often translated in English as "was" or "was ___-ing."

I. Habitual actions or states of being
Quand j'étais petit, nous allions à la plage chaque semaine.
When I was young, we used to go to the beach every week.

II. Physical and emotional descriptions: time, weather, age, feelings
Quand il avait 5 ans, il avait toujours faim.
When he was five, he was always hungry.

III. Actions or states of an unspecified duration

Je faisais la queue parce que j'avais besoin de billets.
I stood in line because I needed tickets.

IV. Background information in conjunction with the passé composé
Il était à la banque quand il l'a trouvé.
He was at the bank when he found it.

V. Wishes or suggestions
Ah ! Si j'étais riche !
Oh, if only I were rich!

VI. Conditions in si clauses
Si j'avais de l'argent, j'irais avec toi.
If I had some money, I would go with you.

VII. The expressions être en train de and venir de in the past
J'étais en train de faire la vaisselle.
I was (in the process of) doing the dishes.

Il venait d'arriver.
He had just arrived.


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