Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Phone

The Phone

A series of late night thrillers, each connected by a mysterious mobile phone

the patient
1/4. A doctor's night-time visits are sent off course by calls from a former patient

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dick Francis - Proof

Dick Francis - Proof
Nigel Havers stars as wine dealer Tony Beach, who uses his amateur sleuth skills to investigate when a party at the stables of Jack Haythorne ends in tragedy

Episode 1
A party at racehorse trainer Jack Haythorne's stables ends in tragedy. But is it just an accident? Stars Nigel Havers.

Episode 2
In the tragedy's aftermath, Tony Beach goes wine and whisky tasting in the cause of criminal investigation. Stars Nigel Havers.



what I like most about this story is that the entry is dramatic so striking.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Devil in a Blue Dress

Devil in a Blue Dress
It's 1948. Sleuth Easy Rawlings is drawn into a web of murder and corruption. Walter Mosley's thriller, read by Paul Winfield

Mrs Bradley - Speedy Death

A country house and a corpse - and the butler's not to blame. Gladys Mitchell's whodunnit stars Leslie Phillips and Mary Wimbush.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

auf den Tisch vs auf dem Tisch

Sie legt es auf den Tisch. (legen, dynamic).
Es liegt auf dem Tisch. (liegen, static).

Mit den Verben liegen und stehen benutzt man den Dativ, weil sie ein Zustand zeigen.
Mit den Verben legen und stellen benutzt man den Akkusativ, weil sie eine Bewegung zeigen

  • Die intransitiven Verben hängen, liegen, sitzen und stehen haben eine Situativergänzung (Ortsergänzung).
  • Die transitiven Verben hängen, legen, setzen und stellen haben eine Direktivergänzung (Richtungsergänzung).

Allgemein drückt der Akkusativ im Zusammenhang mit Wechselpräpositionen Ziel, Zweck oder Gegenstand einer Handlung aus, während er Dativ Umstände (bezüglich Zeit, Raum oder Mittel) der Handlung beschreiben.

Ich freue mich auf die Feier.
Ich beziehe mich auf deinen Brief von letzter Woche.

speed reading

Hızlı Okuma Teknikleri - TRT Radyo 1

speed reading exercises

Free Speed Reading Course (1/5)

Speed reading is a collection of reading methods which attempt to increase rates of reading without greatly reducing comprehension or retention. Methods include chunking and eliminating subvocalization.

Speed Reading Techniques

Monday, April 9, 2012

Elspeth Davie - A Collection of Bones

Elspeth Davie - A Collection of Bones
Series of five unsettling tales from Scottish writer Elspeth Davie

Caledonian creepiness, as Scottish writer Elspeth Davie spins a strange yarn of ovulatory revenge. Read by Edith Macarthur.

The Swans
Scottish writer Elspeth Davie's melancholy tale of paint shop staff seeing mortality in a row of houses. Read by Edith Macarthur.

A Field in Space
Scottish writer Elspeth Davie's affecting story of one expert whose specialism stuns a whole meeting. Read by Crawford Logan.

A Collection of Bones
A troubling tale of a man with an obsessive hobby, and what happens when it suddenly comes to an end. Read by Crawford Logan.

The Eyelash
A humourous diversion into an evening meal, ruined by a small matter which prompts a big discussion. Read by Edith Macarthur.

Scandinavian Chiller

Scandinavian Chiller
Is it the cold? Or the long dark nights? Hear how Scandinavian crime writing is chillingly cold and dangerously dark

Wallander - Faceless Killers Episode 1
The Swedish sleuth probes a vicious and bloody attack on an elderly couple. Henning Mankell's thriller read by David Warner.

Episode 2
The Swedish sleuth's murder probe reveals that victim Mr Lovgren had secrets. Henning Mankell's thriller read by David Warner.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Her constructions,Hin constructions

Roughly meaning "to here" and "to there", hin and her express a movement from or to the speaker

Kommen Sie her ! (Come here!)
Gehen wir hin. (Let's go there.)
Wie kommst du dort hin? (How will you get there?)
Komm herunter! (Come down!)
Komm vom Baum herunter! (Come down from the tree!)
Herein! (Come in.)
Hinaus! (Get out!)

impersonal subject es

Was ist das Platzhalter-es?

es als Platzhalter für das Subjekt German dummy subject constructions

Helbig&Buscha (1980:359ff.) classify the grammatical function of the dummy partical es according to the valency patterns of German verbs; however, no specific groups of verbs can be classified as taking es as formal or grammatical subject preferentially. The non-referential uses of German es are classified as two-fold (which is cogent for the other two languages as well).

Es described as dummy or ‘grammatical’ subject appears in clauses denoting meteorological phenomena, which is the only ‘grammatical subject proper’ in German

** Prop es – describing natural conditions,

3a) Es fängt an zu regnen. (LSC1TD)

Es in other construction types, where it has not only grammatical, but also textual function, is referred to as ‘position keeper’ and ‘spot-filler’, or in German ‘Platzhalter’. It applies to the following construction patterns:

** Presentatives – introducing a new theme to the scene,

3b) Es gibt Plattenwege, Gartenpforten, Hecken, Garagen. (BV2TD)

** Extraposition – sub-clause introducing another clause,

4c) Es strengt sehr an, wenn man den Mond zu lange betrachtet. (EFH1TD)

** Impersonal Passives – creating speaker’s distance,

5c) Es wurde auch eine öffentliche Untersuchungskommission bestellt, um das Unglück zu begutachten." (GS1TD)

** Agentless Processes – de-Agentizing the subject.

6c) Es riecht nicht so fein bei Großvater. (LSC1TD)

In addition to that, Faarlund et al. (1997) lists one Norwegian construction type that is missing both in the English, as well as in the German reference grammar. It is the dummy subject with ‘vague reference’. Even though these construction types are not listed in Biber et al. (1999) and Holbig&Buscha (1980), they are equally possible in English and German as well:

7b) "It was a hell of a messy business," I said. (JM1TE)
7c) "Es war eine Schweinerei", meinte ich. (JM1TD)

It is evident that all three of the investigated languages more or less formally agree on the function, structure, and use of the individual dummy subject constructions; regardless whether or not they come under a separate entry in the reference grammars.

In German, the passive voice can appear without any subject of the verb, or with an impersonal subject es.

There was lots of dancing and singing.
Es wurde viel getanzt und gesungen.

Personal and impersonal verbs

The impersonal pronouns es and das

Sie ist traurig, und er ist es auch. (She is sad, and so is he)

Placed at the beginning of the sentence to introduce the subject of the sentence.
Es wurde eine Maus gefunden in diesem Restaurant - A mouse was found in this restaurant.

If one places the subject of the above sentence first, then es will be eliminated:
Eine Maus wurde in diesem Restaurant gefunden.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

dante's divine comedy

in italian and english

Salvador Dali illustrated the poem with 100 wood engravings measuring

Illustrations to Dante's "Divine Comedy" Blake Archive Index