Sunday, October 13, 2013
neither nor
Adildan önce gelen adlar or ya da nor ile baglanirsa üç olasilik söz konusudur:
a) Iki ad da tekilse adil kullanilir:
Neither Ali nor Mehmet does his homework.
b) ikinci ad tekilse tekil eylem kullanilir:
Neither the students nor the teacher comes today.
c) Ikinci ad çogulsa çogul eylem gerekir:
Neither the teacher nor the students come today.
there's there are
There - yapisindaki tümcelerde asil özne durumu belirler; eger There'den sonra gelen ilk ad öbegi tekilse
"is", çogulsa "are" kullanilir.
There is a book and three pencils on the table.
There are two books and a pencil on the table.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Boxer and Doberman
- Boxer and Doberman - 1 - Headless in Glasgow
- Boxer and Doberman - 2 - The Killings in Kirkibrae
- Boxer and Doberman - 3 - The Big Cheese.mp3
- Boxer and Doberman - 4 - The Seat of Evil.mp3
Sunday, August 25, 2013
- Die Grundregel der Kommasetzung beim Nebensatz
Nebensatz vor dem Hauptsatz: "Dass wir die Umsätze weiter steigern konnten, ist ein großer Erfolg."
Nebensatz nach dem Hauptsatz: "Es ist ein großer Erfolg, dass wir die Umsätze weiter steigern konnten."
Eingeschobener Nebensatz: "Die Steigerung der Umsätze, die wir im vergangenen Jahr zu verzeichnen hatten, ist ein großer Erfolg."
Was tun beim mehrteilig eingeleiteten Nebensatz?
"Der Brief ist zu wichtig, als dass ich ihn mit der normalen Post verschicken könnte."
"Der Praktikant sollte sich lieber ein paar Notizen machen, anstatt dass er jeden Tag aufs Neue nachfragt."
angenommen[,] dass: "Angenommen[,] dass Frau Moldau morgen ausfällt, könnten Sie sie dann vertreten?"
vorausgesetzt[,] dass: "Sie können morgen später kommen, vorausgesetzt[,] dass Frau Moldau wieder im Haus ist."
je nachdem[,] ob: "Ich kann mich morgen um den Azubi kümmern, je nachdem[,] ob Frau Moldau wieder da ist oder nicht."
egal[,] welche: "Egal[,] welche Produkte Sie bei uns bestellen, Sie zahlen keine Versandkosten."
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Ne... que vs Seulement
- There are two common French equivalents for the restrictive "only" in English: seulement and ne... que. These two terms mean essentially the same thing, but seulement is an adverb of quantity while ne... que is a negative adverb, so they're used a bit differently.
The simplest way to say "only" in French is with the adverb seulement, which can qualify a noun, verb, or clause
J'ai seulement un livre.
I have only one book.
Il voit seulement les films étrangers.
He sees only foreign movies.
J'ai lu seulement deux pages pour te faire plaisir.
I read only two pages to please you
J'ai lu deux pages seulement pour te faire plaisir.
I read two pages only to please you
Il veut travailler seulement à la banque
He wants to work only at the bank.
to say "only" is with ne... que, which is used similarly to other negative adverbs: ne goes in front of the verb and que usually follows it.
Je n'ai qu'un livre.
I have only one book.
Il ne voit que les films étrangers
He sees only foreign movies.
As with seulement, you can change the meaning by placing que directly in front of the word you want to qualify
Je n'ai lu que deux pages pour te faire plaisir.
I read only two pages to please you
Je n'ai lu deux pages que pour te faire plaisir.
I read two pages only to please you.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Brian Lee - No Defence Against Demons
witches,murder,secret sect.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Moonstone --1979
this story revolves around a diamond which is chased by indians in england.there are some twists among relationships but no surprise at all.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
ow‧ing to preposition
ow‧ing to
formal because of something:
Owing to a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.
Flight BA213 has been delayed owing to fog.
owing to, due to, because of, thanks to
Owing to and due to are slightly formal. They are often used in official notices and public statements
• Owing to bad weather, this morning's flight will be delayed.
• He is retiring due to ill health.
!! Owing to and due to are prepositions (they come immediately before a noun). They are not conjunctions (they cannot connect two parts of a sentence)
• I had to wait hours because the plane was delayed (NOT I had to wait hours owing to the plane was delayed).
In spoken English, it is more usual to use because of than owing to or due to
• All my clothes got wet because of the storm (NOT owing to the storm).
Thanks to is used to explain why something good has happened
• Thanks to the success of his first album, he is now a wealthy man.
though conjunction
Monday, April 1, 2013
Cloze Test
- Cloze Test soruları nasıl Çözülür?
Bu sorunun bir diğer özelliği çok basit bir ifadeyi bile bize sorabilir ancak karmaşık bir formda sunarak bize sorar.
• Bu soruları rahat bir şekilde cevaplayabilmek için bol bol parça çalışması yapmamız gerekmektedir. Okuduğumuz her cümleyi gramer ve kelime olarak incelemeliyiz.
Friday, March 29, 2013
maths questions
- Q1
bir babanın 7 adımda aldğı yolu çocuğu 13 adımda almaktadır.baba 910 m lik yolu 1400 adımda aldğna göre çocuğun adımı kaç cm dir?
çocuk adımı 35cm
çocuk adımı=n
- Q2
soru 4 emrenin 15 adımda aldıgı yolu aylin 25 adımda almaktadır emrenin adım uzunlugu aylinin adım uzunlugunun 2 katından 5 eksik olduguna göre bu yol kaç metredir?
toplamda x kadar yol aldıklarını düsünelim.emrenin bir adımının uzunlugu x/15 ilen aylinin x/25 olacaktır.
denklem kurabiliriz artık.
x/15 = (2 . x/25) - 2
2=2x/25 - x/15
2=6x - 5x / 75
2=x / 75
x=150 m olacaktır.
- 122 sayfalik kitabin sayfalarini numaralandirmak isteyen bir yazar toplam kaç tane rakam kullanir ?
bir düsünelim bakalim 122 sayfalik bir kitabimiz var.çok güzel ilk 9 sayfasini ele alalim.ilk dokuz sayfada kaç rakam olur?
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 degil mi? yani 9 tane rakam var.sakin 0'dan baslayayim deme hiç bir kitap 0'dan baslamaz çünkü.bulunan dokuz bir kösede dursun biz kalan sayfalara bakalim.
sirada 10 ile 99.sayfamiz var.10 ile 99 sayfa arasinda kaç sayfa vardir.
basit bir terim sayisi bulma islemiyle bunu bulabiliriz.
(99-10/1)+1=90 degil mi? 90 sayfanin her birinde 2'ser rakam kullanilmis.
dolayisiyla 2.90=180 olur.bu da bir kenarda dursun.
gelelim 100 ile 122.sayfalara
yine terim sayisini bulalim
(122-100/1)+1=23 sayfa varmis.bu 23 sayfanin her birinde 3 rakam biz n'apiyoruz?
23.3=69 diyoruz.
simdi hangi grupta kaç rakam kullanilmis bulduk ama bizden istenen hepsinde kaç rakam kullanildigi
onun içinde bulduklarimizi topluyoruz
- zehra bir bilet kuyruğunda baştan 2n-1. sırada ve sondan n. sıradadır. Kuyrukta 52 kişi varsa n kaçtır.
fazladan -1 yazmamızın sebebi zehra yı 2. defa yazamadığımızdan dolayı
fazladan -1 yazmamızın sebebi zehra yı 2. defa yazamadığımızdan dolayı
Friday, February 22, 2013
Ruby on Rails
- Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails, is an open source full-stack web application framework for the Ruby programming language.
Ruby on Rails is not to be confused with Ruby, which is a general-purpose programming language, on which Ruby on Rails runs.
Rails is a full-stack framework, meaning that it gives the Web developer the full ability to gather information from the web server, talking to or querying the database, and template rendering out of the box.
As a result, Rails features a routing system that is independent of the Web server.
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