Friday, December 30, 2011

een spel voor twee van ben huisjes

there was geen entry.therefore decided to put here

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Return of Sherlock Holmes -Series 1

The Return of Sherlock Holmes -Series 1-The Empty House

Three years after his sleuth friend's final encounter with Moriarty, Watson faces more tragedy - and murder. With Clive Merrison.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes -Series 1-The Norwood Builder

The detective investigates the case of a young solicitor who's accused of murder. Stars Clive Merrison and Michael Williams

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Fall of the House of Usher

Classic Gothic Horror. What is the power that the House has over the Usher Family?

Ghost Stories: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Episode 1
Washington Irving's classic tale of two love rivals and a headless horseman, set in 17th century America. Read by Martin Jarvis.
Episode 2
Ichabod Crane sets out to win the heart of Katrina Van Tassel. Martin Jarvis reads Washington Irving's supernatural classic.
Episode 3
Ichabod Crane comes face to face with his worst nightmare. Martin Jarvis concludes Washington Irving's supernatural classic.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bill Murphy - Hallows End

Wealthy Dubliner Dermot McPhail buys a new mansion in Cork, unaware that it's home to an ancient curse. Stars Gerry O'Brien.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Foul Play - Series 1

Foul Play - Series 1 - The Adventure of the Murdered Heiress

Crime writers PD James and HRF Keating try to solve the deadly case of a jewel theft. Written and chaired by Simon Brett. From November 1996.

This is one of the best radio shows I ever listened to.Fantastic idea to invite crime writers and ask them to solve cases.Crime and humour is wrapped up into one show.There are cross examines as well.

Foul Play - Series 1 - Dead Broads Don't Talk
Crime writers Ruth Dudley Edwards and Simon Shaw tackle the case of a redhead shot dead. Written and chaired by Simon Brett.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ce-ci ceux-ci cela ceux-la (indefinite demonstrative pronoun )

Ce is the impersonal, simple indefinite demonstrative pronoun
ce is also a demonstrative adjective.

It can mean "this" or "it,

used mainly with the verb être,
C'est une bonne idée ! That's a good idea!

Ce may also be followed by devoir or pouvoir + être.
Ce doit être un bon restaurant.
This must be a good restaurant.

In a less common and more formal usage (especially in written French), ce can be used without a verb:
Elle l'a tué, et pour ce elle est condamnée.
She killed him, and therefore/for this she is condemned.

Ceci and cela are used as the subject of all other verbs:

Ceci va être facile.
This is going to be easy.

Cela me fait plaisir.
That makes me happy.

Ceci and cela are used with pouvoir or devoir when those verbs are not followed by être
eci peut nous aider.
This could help us.

Cela doit aller dans la cuisine.
That has to go in the kitchen.

Ceci and cela can also be direct and indirect objects:

Donnez-lui cela de ma part.
Give him this from me.

Qui a fait cela ?
Who did this?

Ceci is the contraction of ce + ici (this + here), while cela is the contraction of ce + là (this + there).

Ceci is rare in spoken French. Just as là commonly replaces ici in spoken French (Je suis là - I'm here), French speakers tend to use cela to mean either "this" or "that." Ceci only really comes into play when one wants to really distinguish between this and that:

Je ne veux pas ceci, je veux cela.
I don't want this, I want that.

Ça is the informal replacement for both cela and ceci.

Je ne veux pas ceci (or ça), je veux ça.
I don't want this, I want that.


le pronom relatif "dont" "lequel"


French Relative Pronouns Qui, Que, Ou

Qui est-ce qui vs qui est-ce que ?

  • French has three interrogative pronouns: qui, que, and lequel, which are used to ask questions.

How to Use 'Qui'
Qui means who or whom; it is used when asking about people.
When who is the subject of the question, you can use either qui or qui est-ce qui. The word order cannot be inverted, and the verb is always third person singular.

Qui veut le faire ? / Qui est-ce qui veut le faire ? > Who wants to do it?

When whom is the object of the question, qui can be followed by either est-ce que or inversion

Qui est-ce que vous aimez ? / Qui aimez-vous ? > Whom do you love?

Qui can also follow a preposition.
    À qui est-ce que tu parles ? / À qui parles-tu ? > To whom are you speaking?
    De qui est-ce que tu dépends ? / De qui dépends-tu ? > Upon whom do you depend?

How to Use 'Que'
Que means what and is used to refer to ideas or things.

When what is the subject of the question, you must use qu'est-ce qui followed by a verb in the third person singular, with no inversion.
    Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? > What's happening?
    Qu'est-ce qui est tombé sur la terre ? > What fell on the ground?

When what is the object of the question, it can be followed by est-ce que or inversion.
    Qu'est-ce qu'il veut ? / Que veut-il ? > What does he want?
    Qu'est-ce que tu penses de mon idée ? / Que penses-tu de mon idée ? > What do you think of my idea?
    Qu'est-ce que c'est (que cela) ? > What is that?

After a preposition, que changes to quoi.
    De quoi est-ce que vous parlez ? / De quoi parlez-vous ? > What are you talking about?
    À quoi est-ce qu'il travaille ? / À quoi travaille-t-il ? > What's he working on?

how to ask questions


Que faites-vous?



Qu'est-ce que vous faites?

Qu'est-ce que c'est?


Vous faites quoi?

C'est quoi?

Habitez-vous a Istanbul?

Etes-vous Ahmet?

Est-ce que vous habitez a Istanbul?

Quand est-ce que tu viens?

Quand viens-tu?

Tu viens quand?

Ou est-ce qu'il est?

Ou est-il?

Il est ou?

Pourquoi est-ce que tu manges?

Pourquoi manges-tu?

Tu manges pourquoi?

Qui est-ce qui a ecrit ca?

Qui a ecrit ca?

Qui c'est?

Cest qui?

Combien est-ce que tu veux?

Combien veux-tu?

Tu veux combien?

Comment est-ce que tu fais?

Comment fais-tu?

Tu fais comment?

Quelle pomme?

Quel gateua?

Quelle heure est-il?

Il est quel heure?

Quelle est la question?

La question c'est quoi?

Quel est cet ecrivain?

Rule for subject je

Est-ce que je mange?

y a-t-il un chat?

est-ce qu'il y a un chat?

Combien de chats y a-t-il?


Les indicateurs de temps


Les prépositions avec les villes/pays


la voix passive


Monday, November 7, 2011

celui ceux celle celles ,celle-ci celle-la etc

French Demonstrative Pronouns - Pronoms démonstratifs

Demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one, the one[s], these, those) refer to a previously-mentioned noun in a sentence. They must agree with the gender and number of the noun(s) they replace:

celui - masculine singular
celle - feminine singular
ceux - masculine plural
celles - feminine plural

Each of the four demonstrative pronouns can refer to something nearby or far away. That is, celui and celle can both mean "this one" or "that one," while ceux and celles can both mean "these" or "thos

you can distinguish between this one and that one, these and those by adding -ci (here) and -là (there).


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sheridan Le Fanu - Carmilla

Living in a castle in Austria, lonely Laura is captivated by a beautiful visitor. Gothic vampire tale starring Anne-Marie Duff.

French articles

  1. References:

whether or not

  • In whether‥or not sentences whether is translated by que and the verb that follows is in the subjunctive:

  1. Qu’ils aient ou qu’ils n’aient pas d’enfants eux-mêmes=whether they have or they have not children themselves
  2. whether you agree or not. que vous soyez d'accord ou non
  3. La mondialisation a des visages différents suivant qu’on la contemple des capitales occidentales ou des villes et villages des pays du Sud, où vit la majorité de la population de la planète.Globalization has different faces depending on whether one looks at the Western capitals or cities and towns in the South, where the majority of the population of the planet lives.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

John Buchan

John Buchan - The Thirty Nine Steps

I had watched hithcock's version and last time I watched new bbc version.this story and hitchcock's north by northwest resembles too much.the way that airplane flies over and chases escaping man ,the spies story and the woman who reveals herself secret agent.all of them are almost same.

Dramatisation of the adventure novel by John Buchan. With David Robb and Tom Baker

The Milkman Sets Out on His Travels
After a murder in his flat, Richard Hannay is pursued by police and a gang of German spies. Stars David Robb and Tom Baker.

The Coming of the Black Stone
Hotly pursued for a notebook, Richard Hannay must evade German spies to save the British navy. Stars David Robb and Tom Baker.

John Buchan - Greenmantle

Agent Richard Hannay battles to foil evil German plans for Holy War in the East. Stars David Robb

Story travels from germany to erzurum.It is suprising how agents were active when ottoman empire was collapsing.german spies creates a prophet for themselves to start a jihad against english forces in ottoman empire soil.hannay job is to find what's going on and to stop it.

verb + a + noun


verb + a + verb


à la, au, à l', de la, du, de l'


verb + de + noun


verb + de + verb


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

lequel,à + lequel,de + lequel (RELATIVE ADJECTIVE)

Lequel is usually a pronoun, but it can also be a relative adjective. Relative adjectives are placed in front of nouns to indicate a link between that noun and an antecedent (the same noun previously stated or implied)

The basic French relative adjective, lequel, has to agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. In addition, it contracts with the prepositions à and de


Q. What's the difference between lequel as a relative adjective and lequel as a relative pronoun?

A. The same as the difference between any adjective and pronoun:

The relative adjective precedes a noun: laquelle somme sera...

The relative pronoun replaces a noun: - Avez-vous la clé ? - Laquelle ?

  • Like its English counterpart, a French relative pronoun links a dependent or relative clause to a main clause. 

since  relative pronouns may replace a subject, direct object, indirect object, or preposition,
the French relative pronouns que, qui, lequel, dont, and où.

qui means "who" and que means "that" or "what."
The choice between qui and que as a relative pronoun has nothing to do with the meaning in English, and everything to do with how the word is used

Que replaces the direct object (person or thing) in the dependent clause.
    J'ai acheté le livre. Ma sœur l'a écrit. > J'ai acheté le livre que ma sœur a écrit.
    I bought the book (that) my sister wrote.

Qui replaces the subject (person or thing) in the dependent clause.
Je cherche l'artiste. Il étudie à Paris. > Je cherche l'artiste qui étudie à Paris.
I'm looking for the artist (who is) studying in Paris.

Qui also replaces an indirect object referring to a person* after a preposition,** including prepositions which are required after a given verb or expression.
Je vois une dame. Je travaille avec cette dame.
Je vois une dame avec qui je travaille

Lequel or one of its variations replaces an indirect object referring to a thing*
Le livre dans lequel j'ai écrit mon nom... / The book in which I wrote my name.
La ville à laquelle je songe... / The town about which I'm dreaming.

dont vs duquel
How do you know whether to use dont or duquel? You need dont when the preposition is de by itself. You need duquel when de is part of a prepositional phrase, such as près de, à côté de, en face de, etc.

Dont replaces any person or thing after de:

    Où est le reçu? J'ai besoin du reçu. > Où est le reçu dont j'ai besoin?
    Where is the receipt (that) I need?

Dont can indicate possession:
    Voici l'homme. J'ai trouvé la valise de cet homme. > Voici l'homme dont j'ai trouvé la valise.
    That's the man whose suitcase I found.

Il a écrit trois livres. Deux de ses livres sont des best-sellers. > Il a écrit trois livres, dont deux sont des best-sellers.
He has written three books, two of which are best sellers.

You probably already know that as an interrogative pronoun, où means "where," and that it often means "where" as a relative pronoun as well:

    La boulangerie où j'ai travaillé est à côté de la banque.
    The bakery where I worked is next to the bank. (The bakery [that] I worked at...)

Où can also be used after prepositions.
    Le pays d'où il vient...
    The country (where) he's from..

quand vs où
But as a relative pronoun, où has an additional meaning - it refers to the moment in time something happened: "when." This can be tricky, as French students tend to want to use the interrogative quand here. You can't, because quand is not a relative pronoun. You must use the relative pronoun où

Le moment où nous sommes arrivés...
The moment (that) we arrived.

lequel,à + lequel,de + lequel (PRONOUN)

1) Interrogative pronoun: Lequel replaces quel + noun.

Je veux la pomme là-bas. > Laquelle ?
I want the apple over there. > Which one?

je veux le livre là-bas > Lequelle ?
I want the book out there> which one?

Quel livre veux-tu ? > Lequel veux-tu ?
Which book do you want? > Which one do you want?

Je pense à mon frère. > Auquel penses-tu ? [À quel frère...]
I'm thinking about my brother. > Which one are you thinking about?

2) Relative pronoun: Lequel replaces an inanimate object of a preposition. (If the object of the preposition is a person, use qui.)

Le livre dans lequel j'ai écrit...
The book in which I wrote...

La ville à laquelle je songe...
The town about which I'm dreaming...

Le cinéma près duquel j'ai mangé...
The theater near which I ate... / The theater I ate near...

  • Lequel, which usually means which

Lequel has four basic forms, because it has to agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces.
In addition, lequel has several contracted forms - like the definite articles le and les, lequel contracts with the prepositions à and de.

Lequel is usually either an interrogative pronoun or a relative pronoun.

1) Interrogative pronoun: Lequel replaces quel + noun.

Quel livre veux-tu ? > Lequel veux-tu ?
Which book do you want? > Which one do you want?

Je veux la pomme là-bas. > Laquelle ?
I want the apple over there. > Which one?

Je pense à mon frère. > Auquel penses-tu ? [À quel frère...]
I'm thinking about my brother. > Which one are you thinking about?

2) Relative pronoun: Lequel replaces an inanimate object of a preposition. (If the object of the preposition is a person, use qui.)

  Le livre dans lequel j'ai écrit...
   The book in which I wrote.

La ville à laquelle je songe...
The town about which I'm dreaming..

Lequel is usually a pronoun, but it can also be a relative adjective. Relative adjectives are placed in front of nouns to indicate a link between that noun and an antecedent (the same noun previously stated or implied). In both English and French, relative adjectives are used mainly in legal, administrative, or other highly-formal language

Il y a cinq témoins, lesquels témoins vont arriver demain.
There are five witnesses, which witnesses will arrive tomorrow.

lequel,à + lequel,de + lequel

  • Lequel, which usually means which
  • Lequel has four basic forms, because it has to agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces.
  • lequel has several contracted forms - like the definite articles le and les, lequel contracts with the prepositions à and de
  • C'est un film à la fin duquel tout le monde pleure.It's a film at the end where everyone is crying.
  • Leur maison ,près de laquelle coule la Marne, est un peu humide.Their house, near which flows the Marne, is a little wet
  • La cheminée, au-dessus de laquelle est posée la statuette, est très ancienne.The fireplace, above which is placed the statue is very old.


Masculine FeminineMasculine Feminine
à + lequelauquelà laquelleauxquelsauxquelles
de + lequel duquelde laquelle desquelsdesquelles

Monday, October 17, 2011

ne without pas

it does not make the subordinate clause negative (negated).It is used in situations where the main clause has a negative (either negative-bad or negative-negated) meaning, such as expressions of fear, warning, doubt, and negation.

Elle a peur qu'il ne soit malade. She's afraid that he is sick.


Nous ne le voyons jamais.We never see him.


je n'ai plus d'argent.I don't have any more money.

subordinating conjunctions

  1. ainsi que just as, so as.along with.Je souhaiterais visiter la région et je me demandais si vous pourriez m'indiquer les endroits les plus intéressants ainsi que quelques bonnes adresses de restaurant.Toutes mes cartes d'identité et de crédit se trouvaient dedans ainsi que quelques photos et un peu d'argent liquide

  2. alors que while, whereas. au moment où
    Il est arrivé alors que nous partions.He arrived as we were leaving.
    pour marquer l'opposition.Elle est entrée alors que c'est interdit.she's entered while it is forbidden.
  3. à mesure que as (progressively)
  4. après que after, when
  5. à supposer que* assuming that
  6. au cas où in case
  7. aussitôt que as soon as:(=dès que). Immédiatement après: Nous partirons aussitôt que tu seras prêt
  8. dans l'hypothèse où in the event that
  9. de même que just as
  10. depuis que since
  11. dès que as soon as:En revanche, nous y arrivons beaucoup moins bien dès que les gens masquent ou dissimulent leurs émotions
  12. parce que because
  13. pendant que while
  14. quand bien même even though/if
  15. sitôt que as soon as
  16. tandis que .pendant que / en même temps que. while, whereas.J'aime le jazz, tandis qu'il préfère le rock
  17. tant que as long as
  18. vu que seeing as/that

**These conjunctions require the subjunctive and ne explétif.

  1. à moins que** unless
  2. sans que** without
  3. de peur que** for fear that
  4. de crainte que** for fear that
  5. avant que** before
  6. Avant même que.Even before
    Avant même que j'aie posté la lettre, tu me donnes la réponse
    Even before I posted the letter....(literary version)
    'Before I even posted the letter....(more colloquial)

*These conjunctions must be followed by the subjunctive.

  1. quoi que* whatever, no matter what
  2. supposé que* supposing
  3. pour que* so that.
    Marque le but.Il a agrandi l'image pour que tout le monde se reconnaisse (afin que). Marque la conséquence.Les preuves sont assez nombreuses pour que la juge le convoque
  4. afin de .so that (pour que) .Appelle-moi afin que je puisse t'expliquer.Craignez Allah, donc, ô gens intelligents, afin que vous réussissiez
  5. pourvu que* provided that
  6. en admettant que* assuming that
  7. en attendant que* while, until
  8. encore que* even though
  9. jusqu'à ce que* until
  10. de sorte que* so that, in such a way that
  11. de façon que* in such a way that
  12. de manière que* so that
  13. bien que* although

** adverbs that I collect.
  • À défaut de =en l'absence de=in the absence of.
À défaut de vêtement chaud, j'ai mis deux pulls .
À défaut de viande, je prendrai du poisson.
  • à l'egard de qch. regarding, with respect to
à l'egard des sujets qui l'entourent
  • au cours the course of, during;
au cours de journée/saison in the course of the day/season;
  • au sein de .within, inside.
au sein de relations interpersonnelles.within interpersonal relations
  • à la the same time.
porter trois valises à la carry three suitcases at the same time.
Elle est à la fois intelligente et travailleuse.she's both clever and hardworking
  • aussitot.adverb(immédiatement) immediately, straight away.
aussitot après ton départ.straight after you left;
  • En fait (actually)
En fait, tout notre corps peut nous trahir.
  • beaucoup moins bien (much worse)
    En revanche, nous y arrivons beaucoup moins bien dès que les gens masquent ou dissimulent leurs émotions
  • à l’insu de.without knowingalas.unfortunately
    helas non! unfortunately not!
  • sinon.(autrement) otherwise, or else;
    arrete! sinon je crie .stop otherwise I ll cry
  • si bien que (par conséquent) so
  • voire.or even, not to say.
    Vos personnages sont souvent perdus voire écrasés dans un monde impitoyable
  • Grâce à .thanks to
    Grâce à un système de surveillance nouveau, les autorités américaines prétendent pouvoir détecter un individu ayant des intentions hostiles.
  • proche de .nearby,close
    proche d'un vignoble prestigieux
  • par advance
    j'avais su par avance les consequences
  • contrebas.(down) below
  • tant bien que mal .as best one can
    tant bien que mal je m'accrochai a l'arete du toit
  • par-dessus.over,above
    passai une jambe par-dessus le faite de la maison
  • tout à l'heure.very soon
  • voilà que.the next thing
    et voila qu'une voiture arrive. and the next thing was a car arrived;
    voile qu' il se met à rire.all of a sudden he started laughing;
    et voila qu'elle refuse. and then she had to go and refuse
  • jusqu'alors adv (jusqu'à maintenant) hitherto,up this time
    jusqu'alors Dickie avait toujours dit
  • par la suite .thereafter
    il avait essaye de se faire pardonner par la suite en allant chercher de la grace pour eux
  • pour ainsi que
  • pour ainsi dire so to speak
  • pour ainsi dire as it were
  • pour ainsi dire in a manner of speaking
  • afin + inf .dans le but de .in order to do, so as to do;
    Nous arriverons tôt afin de vous voir.We will arrive early tin order to see you
  • avant de faire . before doing
  • quiconque.whoever, anyone who
    quiconque m'aurait vue aurait cru que j'allais m'endormir
  • en dépit spite of, in the face of,regardless,despite
    en depit des vetements simplets qu'elle portait...
  • aussi bien que adv as well as
  • aussi longtemps long as, while
  • aussi.indique l'égalité
  • être aussi grand que be as large as someone
  • aussi vite que soon as possible
    Tu le sais aussi bien que moi.You know as well as me.
  • aussi.à ce point, tellement, tant
    Je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi beau.I've never seen anything so beautiful
  • aussi.également
    Elle aussi sera là.She also will be there.
    Il parle aussi anglais.He also speaks English.
  • au lieu de .instead of
    Au lieu de dominer les médias, les sondages doivent les aider
  • par rapport à.compared with, in relation to, in comparison to
    La valeur du taux de reference du dernier trimestre,auquel votre pret est reference, a augmente par rapport a celle de la periode trimestrielle correspondante de l'an passe
  • apres quoi .after which,after that
    Achete les billets, apres quoi nous chercherons nos places
  • en outre.furthermore,besides,moreover,also
    Il est en outre procédé à une mise à jour de ces inventaires
  • néanmoins.nevertheless nonetheless
    J'ai peur, mais je vais néanmoins le faire. - I'm afraid, but I'll do it nevertheless
  • a temps .in time, timely, on time
    je suis redescendue a temps pour voir Chiyo donner quelque chose
  • entre-temps. Meantime meanwhile adv
    entre-temps, tatie l'avait rejointe sur le palier
  • pendant que.Indique que l'action de la subordonnée se déroule dans le même temps que celle de la principale
    Pendant que je serai à la boucherie, vous irez à la boulangerie (tandis que).
  • pendant.prép. pendant.Durant une certaine période de temps:
    Pendant les vacances, ils ont visité plusieurs châteaux (= au cours de).
    Elle a dormi pendant le film. (Pendant ce temps, au même moment.)
  • pendant.adv.Indique une durée révolue:
    Il n'a rien dit, ni avant, ni pendant, ni après.
  • quasi.Presque; à peu près
    Un silence quasi religieux.
    l'agriculture a été quasi autonome sur le plan énergétique
  • Puisque.Marque une relation de cause lorsque la raison est connue ou évidente:(attendu que, étant donné que, vu que)
    Puisqu'il y a des travaux sur l'autoroute, nous prendrons la nationale.Since there are works on the highway, we will take the national
  • Au fur et à mesure que (as)
    Au fur et à mesure que la mondialisation continue à progresser grâce aux moyens de communication et de globalization continues to grow thanks to the means of communication and transportation
  • de sorte que.(Suivi de l'ind.). Indique la conséquence réalisée (on peut aussi dire de telle sorte que)
    Il a l'habitude de mentir, de sorte que cette fois-ci personne n'a voulu le croire (si bien que). He used to lie, so this time no one wanted to believe (so that).
  • Au regard de, par rapport à
    Au regard de la loi, vous êtes coupable
    au regard du chômage .with regard to unemployment;
    au regard de la loi .in the eyes of the law.
  • en raison de.à cause de.
  • en raison de owing to
  • en raison de by reason of
  • en raison de in consequence of
    En raison des travaux, la circulation est interrompue.
  • En attendant.pendant ce temps
    En attendant, tu peux habiter chez moi
  • en mesure de, en position de. in a position to
    Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de le réparer.
  • autant de.autant d'énergie/ autant d'argent so much energy/money
  • autant de cadeaux/autant de gens so many presents/people;
  • même jusqu'à
    On pourrait aller même jusqu’à dire. One could even go so far as to say
    certains vont même jusqu'à arrêter de fumer.some go even so fas as to stop to smoke.
  • à propos des.about
  • étant donné que.(conj)given that.
  • Jusqu'à ce que + sub-ordinating conjunction
Nous avons attendu jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive.We waited until it reaches
  • Jusqu'à
Nous avons attendu jusqu'à la tombée de la nuit.We waited until dusk
  • désormais.from now on
  • du fait de qch .due to sth;
  • quant à.as for
la France, quant à elle, n'a pas pris position as for France, it did not take a stand;
  • n'importe quoi .anything
  • pourtant.however, though,yet
  • de toute any case,anyhow,anyway



  • mezza.half

mezza città dormiva.half the city was sleeping.

di tanto in tanto

  • di tanto in tanto.from time to time

di tanto in tanto qualche camionista suonava rumorosamente.from time to time some trucker was playing loudly

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Alors, selon vous...? so you think...?

  • Alors, selon vous, les gens avaient à cette époque, l'impression de vivre une période depaix? So you think people had at that time, the impression of a period ofpeace?

Pourquoi selon vous..? why do you think...?

  • Pourquoi selon vous se souvient-on d'une bataille plutôt que d'une autre? . Why do you think we remember a battle rather than another?
  • Pourquoi selon vous les grandes batailles de la période 1919-1939 ont-elles été oubliées? Why do you think the great battles of the period 1919-1939 have been forgotten?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

anche se

  • anche se .even if, even though;

anche se quando stavo sopra.even though when I was over.


  • (in posizione più elevata) on, up;
  • (senza contatto) above;
due metri sopra.two metres above;
  • (in cima) on top;


  • when;
quando arrivò sul posto, capì. when he got there, he understood;
quando stavo sopra


  • moto da luogo) from here, from there, out (out of it) ;

entrò nella stanza ma ne uscì subito. she entered the room but came out (of it) immediately;

devo andarmene di qui .I must get away from here;

vattene! get out! go away!

ne (pronone,pronoun)

  • ne.(di lui, di lei, di loro) of him, her, them

l’ho conosciuto e ne ho parlato al direttore. I’ve met him and I talked to the manager about him

  • about him, her, them;

  • (di ciò) of it, about it;
che cosa ne pensi? what do you think of it?

  • (con valore di possessivo) his, her, their, its;
lo conosciamo e ne apprezziamo la sincerità .we know him and we appreciate his sincerity

  • con valore partitivo) (in frasi affermative, nelle offerte) some.
ne vuole? would like some?

  • (in frasi negative e interrogative) any;
non ne ha.he hasn’t got any;

  • (da ciò) from it

ne derivano gravi conseguenze.serious consequences stem from it

  • (da ciò) out of it;

ne derivano gravi conseguenze. serious consequences come out of it;

  • (complemento d’agente) by it;
ne rimasi colpito.I was struck by it

dentro (avverbio,adverb)

dentro. inside

ma a un dolore diverso, dentro.but in a different pain, inside.


wenn(conjuctive) when
Wenn man denen einfach ohne zu fragen einen Pickel ausdrückt


  • denen.those.the ones indicated

Wenn man denen einfach ohne zu fragen einen Pickel ausdrückt (denen refers to an object in the previous sentence)

Denen is used as a dative relative pronoun:

Die Personen, mit denen ich arbeite, sind sehr nett.
The people with whom I work are very nice.

Denen (dative plural) is required by the preposition mit and follows it. It's in the plural because the antecedent, die Personen, is plural.

  • dessen , deren

They mean "of which/whose" in relative clauses.

Dessen - for masculine and neutral objects, deren - for feminine objects and all plurals. NB: Dessen/deren is chosen according to the preceding noun, not the following one.

Der Mann, dessen Frau/Kinder/Bruder ich kenne, heißt XY.
Die Frau, deren Kinder mit unseren gerne spielen, ist eine Lehrerin.
Die Ärztin, mit deren Freunden/Mutter ich gesprochen habe, ist sehr bekannt.

ohne + verb


ohne zu fragen.without asking

ohne zu überlegen.without thinking; without considering; without thinking twice

Friday, October 14, 2011


  • avoir du mal à + verb . to find it hard to + verb
  • se rendre recognize,to realize.
  • descendre / redescendre
    I went down. --> intransitive --> Je suis descendu (etre + v3)
    I went down the stairs --> transitive --> J'ai descendu les escaliers. (Qu'est-ce que j'ai descendu ? Les escaliers.) (avoir+v3)
    Avoir is used in transitive cases, and etre for intransitive cases
  • mettre en jeu .to bring [sth] into play [éléments];
  • il lui etait possible de l'etre
aussi douce et gentille qu'il lui etait possible de l' sweet and nice as she could be.
it was possible to her to be lui etait possible de l'etre
  • quoi que ce soit .anything
  • il n'y a pas que's not just that.
  • quoi qu'il en soitphrase
    at all events

Thursday, October 13, 2011

congiuntivo trapassato (Past Perfect Subjunctive Tense)

Form this tense with the congiuntivo imperfetto of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle of the acting verb

E come se qualcosa di molto grande mi fosse caduto addosso e mi avesse schiacciata

Speravo che avessero capito. (I was hoping they had understood.)
Avevo paura che non avessero risolto quel problema. (I was afraid they hadn't resolved that problem.)
Vorrebbero che io raccontassi una storia. (They would like me to tell a story.)
Non volevo che tu lo facessi così presto. (I didn't want you to do it as soon.)

Monday, October 10, 2011

que + subjonctif

Que Dieu sauve la Reine.God save the Queen

Qu’il vienne ici.Let him come here

Qu’il soit à l’heure.He must be on time.

Que je ne te revoie jamais.Let I see do not see each other

The Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents

The Waxwork by AM Burrage
In the director's celebrated series - from beyond the grave - convincing models become all too real. Stars Michael Roberts.

Ne ... que

Ne ... que is used to express a restriction. It is usually translated as 'only'.

  • Je n'ai qu'un livre. I only have one book.
  • Il ne voit que les films étrangers. He only sees foreign movies

indefinite and partitive articles do not change: Je n'ai pas de livre vs Je n'ai qu'un livre.

The ne goes in its normal negative position in front of the verb. The que must be placed directly in front of the word it is qualifying.Note how the position of que can change the meaning

  • Je n'ai lu que deux pages. I only read two pages.
  • Je n'ai lu deux pages que pour te faire plaisir. I read two pages only to please you.The only reason I read two pages was to please you.
  • Il ne veut que travailler à la banque. He only wants to work at the bank (not invest there).
  • Il ne veut travailler qu'à la banque. He wants to work only at the bank (not at the store)
  • Je n’ai que cinq euros = I only have five euros.


(aucun is the direct object)

  • Je ne vends aucun des livres. I'm not selling any of the books.
  • Il n'a aucun ami. He has no friend. None.
  • Il n'a aucune feuille de papier. Aucune. - He has no sheet of paper. None
  • je n'ai aucun endroit. I have no place.

le subjonctif

  • je n'aime pas que tu me fasses attendre longtemps
I do not like hat you make me wait longtime.

faire - fasses :2e personne du singulier du présent du subjonctif

Sunday, October 9, 2011 vs

Wal-Mart ne vendra plus que le format Blu-rayWal-Mart has been selling another or several other formats (possibly including Blu-ray) but that from now on it will only sell the Blu-ray one

Wal-Mart ne vendra plus le format Blu-ray
Wal-Mart won't sell the Blu-ray format anymore

La pizzeria ne vendra plus les pizzas seulement
The pizzeria will no longer be selling just pizzas

  • Ne ... plus is a negative adverb, meaning "no more" or "not any more"

      Je ne le veux plus. I don't want it any more.
        Je ne veux plus de beurre. I don't want any more butter.

            Ne ... plus que means "only" or "nothing more than"

                Il n'y a plus que miettes. There are only crumbs (left).

                    Y a-t-il des pommes ?
                      - Plus qu'une.** - Are there any apples?
                        - Only one.

                            Ne ... pas plus means "no more than" (pretty much the same thing as ne ... plus que)

                                l n'y a pas plus de 3 médecins. There are no more than 3 doctors.

                                Friday, October 7, 2011

                                demonstrative pronouns

                                Demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one, the one[s], these, those) refer to a previously-mentioned noun in a sentence. They must agree with the gender and number of the noun(s) they replace:

                                1. Formes simples

                                celui - masculine singular
                                celle - feminine singular
                                ceux - masculine plural
                                celles - feminine plural
                                neutre = ce

                                2. Formes composées :
                                masculin singulier = celui-ci, celui-là.
                                féminin singulier = celle-ci, celle-là.
                                masculin pluriel = ceux-ci, ceux-là.
                                féminin pluriel = celles-ci, celles-là.
                                neutre = ceci, cela, ça.

                                Quelle fille l'a fait, celle-ci ou celle-là ?
                                Which girl did it, this one or that one?

                                Je ne sais pas si je veux ceux-ci ou ceux-là.
                                I don't know if I want these or those.

                                Quel film veux-tu voir ? Celui de la France ou celui du Canada ?
                                Which film do you want to see? The one from France or (the one from) Canada?

                                Je ne peux pas décider entre ces deux robes. Celle de soie est plus jolie mais aussi plus chère que celle de coton.
                                I can't decide between these two dresses. The silk one is prettier but also more expensive than the cotton one

                                Celui qui a menti sera puni.
                                He who / Whoever lied will be punished.

                                Ceux qui sont polis recevront un cadeau.
                                Those who are polite will receive a gift.

                                this means right here and now.
                                that means somewhere else or some other time.

                                cette chose-ci = this
                                cette chose-là = that

                                celui/celle = {this, that} one - no distinction on distance/time
                                ceux/celles = {these, those} - no distinction on distance/time

                                celui-ci/celle-ci = this one here
                                celui-là/celle-là = that one there

                                ceux-ci/celles-ci = these ones here
                                ceux-là/celles-là = those ones there


                                Thursday, September 29, 2011

                                The Singing Sands

                                When Inspector Alan Grant takes a train to the Highlands, a man's body is found. Paul Young reads Josephine Tey's mystery.


                                Monday, September 19, 2011

                                il faut

                                • [faut que + clause + subjunctive]
                                Il faut que nous sachions la vérité.It is necessary that we know the truth.OR We should/must know the truth.

                                il faut qu'il voie son amie.It is necessary that he see his girlfriend

                                • [indirect object + faut]
                                Il nous faut des preuves.We need evidence.

                                • [faut + noun]

                                Il faut une enquête.An investigation is necessary.

                                • [faut + infinitive]

                                Il faut te calmer.It is necessary that you calm down. OR You have to calm down

                                • il faudrait que + subjunctive
                                Le directeur du personnel pense qu’il faudrait que les ouvriers soient
                                tenus au courant de la nouvelle réglementation sur les conditions de
                                The personnel manager thinks the work force should be kept informed
                                of the new regulations on working conditions
                                • il faudrait + infinitive


                                The imperfect ( l'imparfait) expresses or describes
                                continued, repeated, habitual actions
                                incomplete actions, situations,
                                events in the past

                                The imperfect describes what was going on at an indefinite time in the past or what used to happen.

                                The imperfect can be translated by “would” when it implies “used to.”

                                the imperfect is very often translated in English as "was" or "was ___-ing."

                                I. Habitual actions or states of being
                                Quand j'étais petit, nous allions à la plage chaque semaine.
                                When I was young, we used to go to the beach every week.

                                II. Physical and emotional descriptions: time, weather, age, feelings
                                Quand il avait 5 ans, il avait toujours faim.
                                When he was five, he was always hungry.

                                III. Actions or states of an unspecified duration

                                Je faisais la queue parce que j'avais besoin de billets.
                                I stood in line because I needed tickets.

                                IV. Background information in conjunction with the passé composé
                                Il était à la banque quand il l'a trouvé.
                                He was at the bank when he found it.

                                V. Wishes or suggestions
                                Ah ! Si j'étais riche !
                                Oh, if only I were rich!

                                VI. Conditions in si clauses
                                Si j'avais de l'argent, j'irais avec toi.
                                If I had some money, I would go with you.

                                VII. The expressions être en train de and venir de in the past
                                J'étais en train de faire la vaisselle.
                                I was (in the process of) doing the dishes.

                                Il venait d'arriver.
                                He had just arrived.





                                Passé simple

                                The passé simple, translated in English as either "simple past" or "preterite," is the literary equivalent of the passé composé, which means that it is used only in formal writing (e.g., historical and literary writing) and very formal speech.

                                In such writing and speech, the passé simple is used alongside the imperfect, just as in everyday speech/writing, the passé composé and imperfect are used together.

                                The passé simple (past definite) is used primarily in formal, literary, and historical writings to express a completed past action, event, or situation. In conversation and informal writing, the passé composé is used instead of the passé simple to express the past

                                In modern spoken French, the passé simple has practically disappeared

                                While literary and refined language still hangs on to the passé simple, the spoken language has simply renounced passé simple for the passe composé, which means that in French, there is no longer a nuance between:
                                « Je suis arrivé. » ("I have arrived." I have come to town. I may have just arrived.)
                                « J'arrivai. » ("I arrived." I came to town, but it is possible that I am not still here.)


                                Saturday, September 10, 2011

                                Brave New World

                                Anton Lesser reads Aldous Huxley's nightmare vision of the future


                                Simon Bovey's Slipstream

                                Sci-fi adventure series set during World War II. Stars Rory Kinnear and Rachel Atkins

                                It is a story of a german pilot who has ancestors in both side and is kept in england.Germans somehow got hold of a technology to fly a plane which is faster and dangerous than their rivals.English spy team goes to find and get this technology.Towards the end they find out that germans got this technology from alliens.and the machine denies to kill and attack,because of this she kills the pilots.But this german pilot makes a bound with her and she asks him to fly her home.german pilot accepts this.meanwhile americans english germans russians fight to take hold of this technology.I think message is clear.Technology is not to kill people, on the contrary to help people make their life comfortable


                                VI Warshawski - Bitter Medicine

                                Sara Paretsky's thriller with private eye VI Warshawski stars Sharon Gless


                                Tuesday, September 6, 2011

                                break: I stop blogging the movies I watched

                                I ll keep them on website from now on.

                                break: I stop blogging the books I read

                                I ll keep them on google books and goodreads websites from now on.

                                Mrs Bradley: The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop

                                the old woman with that loud bursting into laughters I never forget.she's amazing. Ruppert, is believed to have gone america,asks his solicitor to change his will.and events develop.some dig holes in the middle of the night,some try to stop people finding body,some finds joints of a human body, all people start to suspect each other and behave like dedectives.

                                1/2 An Offal Discovery


                                Wednesday, August 31, 2011

                                Do Androids dream of electric sheep? by Philip K. Dicks

                                Kerry Shale reads Philip K Dick's 1968 classic tale of a world devastated by war and six rogue androids at large.

                                I love bladerunner(1982).It's an amazing movie.But after listening to his audiobook I think it might have been done much better.There's a lot to tell of this book.Rick Deckard is married,who's not in the movie.Deckard wants to bed with Rachel,the android.Normally Richard has an electric sheep but later decides to have a real pet goat.He starts to empathizes with androids and wants to leave his job,bount android hunter.His wife does not want him to.Lubaluft the opera singer,who's shown a snake female dancer in the movie,and Deckard is even taken to police station which is totally controlled by androids.Problem is nobody knows that station.Bladerunner movie seems to have trimmed most of the book's story.

                                The Ice Princess (Patrik Hedström #1) by Camilla Läckberg

                                What's exciting is that all story goes around a small town in which almost everybody knows each other.There is not much to hide.If you lived in a million of city who would care what you live? It is like people agreed on a shared disturbing secrets.You can't even wash your dirty bag in the town you have to go abroad and handle it and come back.and play your part as if nothing's can't even burry your dirt in your own yard.but others'.You feel safer when you live in a crowded town but if you live in small towns you feel you are more open to danger.Whatever you do quickly gets attention it is like you are under a town microscope.and this makes commiting crime more difficult.I guess.more complex and hard to find.murderer must be more smart.

                                Saturday, August 13, 2011

                                The Paradoxes of Mr Pond - The Crime of Captain Gahagan

                                Radio adaptation of GK Chesterton's detective stories

                                4 Extra Premiere. GK Chesterton's civil servant figures out a mystery: "Women go so fast that they get no farther". Read by Martin Jarvis.


                                Who Killed Zebedee?

                                Who Killed Zebedee?

                                A dying policeman who recalls a murder which changed his life. Written by Wilkie Collins.Wilkie Collins' tale is read by Ronald Pickup.


                                **my notes

                                the man who left police force years ago recalls a murder which he left intentionally unsolved even though he knew who was the murderer.Mr zebedes stays with his wife in the lodgers,stabbed to death while his wife thinks she killed him while she sleepwalks.His wife does not remember much except the last moment before she goes to sleep.she reads a book which is about a man who kills her wife during his sleepwalk.police suspects first the man living in the same lodgers who recently insulted mrs zebedee because she did not let him kiss her.there is knife with missing part of inscription on it.the dedective talkes to the cook,pricilla,later he discovers her the murderer.dedective gets close to her,proposes to marry her.when the dedective came across a shop where he finds the mystery of the inscription on the knife he goes to pricilla,tells her everything,she confesses with a letter.the dedective throws the inscription which is the proof of the murder into the fire before the eyes of pricilla he lets her go.

                                Thursday, August 11, 2011

                                The Big Sleep(1946)



                                Sunday, August 7, 2011

                                Thaw (2009)

                                Do not waste your time.Copycat of carpenter's "The thing"



                                Saturday, June 25, 2011

                                Passion Play (2010)

                                As years go by Bill Murray gets more a character player.His looks get stronger.This is a fantastic love story.



                                Saturday, June 11, 2011

                                Source Code(2011)

                                This alternate universe idea is interesting and thrilling.Nice movie.

                                Saturday, May 28, 2011

                                Black Swan (2010)

                                This movie disappointed me.It is not easy to follow the story.I do not figure why they gave natalie portman best actress awards